God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: Myth vs. Truth

greek gods

One of my favorite pastimes as a youth was reading Greek and Roman mythology. I found these stories of love and hate, life and death, suffering and redemption, to be exciting and worthy of my time and thought. Only later did I realize that every myth is an adaptation of the great conflict declared by the Creator to the first man and woman.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: For Seasons

Ancient Sundial

When God restored the heavens and the earth, He spoke celestial bodies into being. These luminaries in the heavens had a specific purpose.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: For Signs

When God restored the heavens and the earth, He spoke celestial bodies into being. These luminaries in the heavens had a specific purpose.

earth moon

Genesis 1:14:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs [Hebrew oth], and for seasons, and for days, and years.

Let’s see how these celestial signs agree with the prophecies of God’s promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

FreedomLifeLight God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: Ancient Truths Displayed in the Heavens

Would you like to understand more about how God told the story of the coming Redeemer in the stars?

Click here to learn more about

God’s Celestial Word:

Ancient Truths Displayed in the Heavens 

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: The Adversary’s Devices and Kingdom in Job 40:1–41:34

hydra2We have seen many things in the Book of Job, the first written revelation given to mankind. As such, it can act as a transition between God’s celestial Word about the Messiah and the written Word. In Job 38:1-30, God lovingly encouraged Job to remain committed and listen to the truth.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: The Zodiac in Job 38:31–39:30

milky wayWe have seen that the Book of Job, the first written revelation, can act as a transition between God’s celestial and written Word. In Job 38:1-30, God lovingly encouraged Job to remain committed and listen to the truth. Then God recounted great truths for Job: His original creation, Lucifer’s rebellion and the destruction it brought, how God restored heaven and earth. We have also seen that God made known to Job His magnificence in the Great Deep, in the Heavens, and in the Great Waters. Now we will see how God explains the great story in the heavens to Job–the story of the coming Messiah.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: The Story Told

myth blog

The Great Conflict: The Story Told

We have seen The Great Conflict between the Messiah and Satan in the 48 constellations that are visible to the naked eye. Now let us read this great story as it progresses through the Celestial Word and was also told over centuries by the prophets in the Written Word. Both make known the Living Word, Jesus Christ.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: All 48 Constellations

48 signs sky

The heavens declare God’s glorious story of the Messiah and his victory over the Devil. The stars and their formations show knowledge of God’s great plan to redeem mankind.

Psalms 19:1,2:
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: Messiah versus the Serpent, The Great Conflict

jesus in gardenWe have seen many things in the Book of Job, the first written revelation given to mankind. As such, it can act as a transition between God’s celestial Word about the Messiah and the written Word. God explained to Job the great story in the heavens–the story of the coming Messiah as told in the twelve signs of the zodiac. This story is “The Great Conflict” between good and evil, and the basis of all stories ever since.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: God’s Power and Greatness in Job 38:1-30


We have seen that Job endured many attacks and held fast to his integrity before God. After Job remained faithful to his Creator, God gave him great understanding about the promised mediator and redeemer, the Messiah.