Jesus Christ

Savior, Messiah, and Lord

God loves to make us whole. He wants our bodies healthy, our minds clear and alert, our spiritual understanding enlightened. He is our Savior and sent His Son to be our savior. That is what “Jesus” means in Hebrew: Jehovah saves. The title Jehovah is used many times in the Bible and shows God’s willingness to help us. In the Bible, God also uses the title Elohim to show that He is able (as Creator) to meet our every need. He is both willing and able to care for us.

Following the Lord Jesus Christ

Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #1 The Journey


This blog marks the beginning of a new journey for me and I plan on taking you with me, dear reader, if you are willing. I recently pulled out an ancient map that was a beloved part of my youth, and it is the map of Jesus’ life on earth, the good news of the Savior as recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Jesus Christ

The Name of Our Lord Jesus


Whenever my brothers and sisters needed to settle an argument, we would say “Dad said so,” or “Mom said so.” Their authority was good enough to see things happen. Perhaps you’ve seen the same at work. If your supervisor gave permission, then you could freely go where you needed to and get the job done. How about your personal checks? Are they any good without the authority of your signature? The name is the key.

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 4, Proving It

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In elementary school, we had some classic “come back” lines in certain situations. If someone said they “loved” something, we would respond: “Then why don’t you marry it!” Another comeback when someone made a remark about us was, “Prove it!”

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 3, Knowing Him

gods love 3 hairgirl
Together in Australia

As the manager of “Wooly World” at the Toorak Hotel shopping plaza in Melbourne, Australia, I met a lot of men and women looking for high-end sheepskin garments. The most shocking experience of my sales life happened there in 1982.

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 2, Back to Basics

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Have you ever seen a  newborn puppy or kitten, though blind, find their mother and begin to nurse? God built these “basics” (like feeding ourselves) into life. The basics are simple and easy to find and understand. When things get complicated, they can lose their value. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, “Give thanks to God who made necessary things simple, and complicated things unnecessary.”

God's Power

Is God in Control? Part 3


Jesus Christ Gets Back Man’s Dominion

In Part 2 we went to the Bible and learned about God’s authority on earth as in heaven, Jesus’ purpose of overcoming the Devil, who the god of this world is, how Lucifer became the Devil, how Lucifer got dominion in the earth, how Satan attacked Job—and God’s deliverance when Job sought His help.

God's Power

Is God in Control? Part 1

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A country wins a military battle. Another area of the world is devastated by an earthquake. Someone wins millions of dollars in the lottery. A student fails a college entrance exam. A driver is injured in a car crash. Too often, well-meaning Christians have an answer for any event, good or bad: “God is in control.” Is that what the Bible really says?