
What Counts

I lost a friend this morning. I knew him briefly at a local church. He was vibrant, loving, and kind. I will miss him. I do believe that prayer is vital while we are on earth. I continue to pray for his wife and family. This morning I was comforted by my Father’s love and truth. I’ve been reading five psalms each day—here is what I read this morning.

God's Love

True Love

In this month of February, when so much of the world is focused on romantic love, let’s learn from the Bible what God’s true love is all about.

God's Love

God’s Love Through the Ages

This title is actually a figure of speech that the French call double entendre, or double meaning. We will look at God’s great love throughout the ages, all time. And we will see how He loves us through His Son Jesus Christ throughout the different ages, or seasons, that we live in this earthly life.

God's Love

A Little Gold Is Better Than a Lot of Stubble


Have you ever been in a boat against such strong wind that after hours of rowing with all your might—you are even farther away from your desired destination than when you started? That is how many people live, especially the really religious ones.

God's Power

Transformed from Glory to Glory


As a young girl watching the movie Cinderella, I saw a “plain, yellow pumpkin” become a “golden carriage,” and a “plain country bumpkin” and a prince were “joined in marriage”. And of course, like many little girls, I wanted to be transformed into a princess, too! Naturally that hope faded as I grew up. Instead it appeared that I was destined to become…I had no idea what.

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 4, Proving It

gods love 4 girls

In elementary school, we had some classic “come back” lines in certain situations. If someone said they “loved” something, we would respond: “Then why don’t you marry it!” Another comeback when someone made a remark about us was, “Prove it!”

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 2, Back to Basics

gods love 2 puppy

Have you ever seen a  newborn puppy or kitten, though blind, find their mother and begin to nurse? God built these “basics” (like feeding ourselves) into life. The basics are simple and easy to find and understand. When things get complicated, they can lose their value. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, “Give thanks to God who made necessary things simple, and complicated things unnecessary.”

Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 1, Our Helper

Dad & Kids

I learned about my Dad by reading old newspapers about his Navy and Army service in World War II. I also heard stories about him from my Mom and other relatives. But the way I knew him best was by living with him, hearing what he had to say, and seeing his love for me in daily actions—like playing “catch” or praying together.

God's Word

Modern Church Myths

myth blog

II Timothy 4:3,4 [Moffatt Translation]:
For the time will come when people decline to be taught sound doctrine, they will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies, they will give up listening to the Truth and turn to myths.


Give Thanks. In Everything.


THANKSGIVING DAY. Today, we are thankful. We all have plenty to be thankful for. We could each most likely go on for hours about all we have to be thankful for. But can we be thankful in ANY circumstance?

I Thessalonians 5:16-18:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks