Body of Christ

Do, Love, Walk


Timmy, Leonard, Ronnie, Frank, Don, and Steve were looking in other parts of the cave. We wanted to build a fire and needed sticks. I saw a good-sized one in a dark corner and bent down to get it. For some reason, I stopped and waited. Then it moved.

Jesus Christ

Freedom in Christ


Have you ever spent time in prison? I have.

As the public information officer for the territorial prison on Guam, I was “inside” every day. Inmates lived in small cells and were physically confined to a few square yards of “life.” They had surrendered their freedom.


What Does Our Father Want?

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When you first wake up, what do you think about? Maybe it’s what you need to do that day, or what’s for breakfast, or even how to help a spouse or children? Those are all important, but our first and continued thought throughout the day really should be “What does my Father want?” We want to be well pleasing to Him.

God's Love

We Have the Best Father Ever


I have wonderful and lasting memories of childhood, and of fatherhood. Growing up with eight children in our family, I often saw how my Dad took care of us.


Personal Responsibility and Group Leadership


Coaching my son’s soccer team had a great many learning moments for me. One thing that I remember clearly was that each player had their own strengths:

Holy Spirit

Pentecost: Worship, God’s Dwelling, and Fire


On the eighth day of the third month in the year 28 A.D., the Church of the Body of Christ began. It was the day of Pentecost, ten days after the ascension of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On that day, in the Temple at Jerusalem, Peter and the eleven apostles with him were born again of incorruptible seed. They manifested the gift of holy spirit by speaking in tongues.

God's Love

God’s Unlimited Goodness

bond case

I was James Bond. Walking around the house in my little suit and bow tie, I looked for adventures where I could take on enemy agents and win the pretty girl.

God's Peace

Access and Peace

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I remember several big storms in my lifetime. When I was eight, my sister and I took shelter in the small shed adjacent to our house.Seated on a lawnmower, I felt safe from the pelting rain and crashing thunder.

Marriage & Family

Mothers in the Lord

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I love to call my Mom on the phone as often as I can. Now almost ninety years old, she remains well aware of my lifeand also has a deep “heart” understanding of my two brothers and four sisters. I thank God for her physical and emotional care for me over the years, and today I cherish her spiritual support as we talk of God’s Word and see the power of prayer.


Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?


The Bible asks a good question.

Amos 3:3:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?