Fellowship God's Love

Politics, Masks, and Global Warming

The Bible has plenty to say about everything since God had it written, and He knows all things—past, present, and future. Here are a few thoughts on current events and eternity.

God's Love

God’s Graciousness to Us

I have often been astounded at the matchless love of Jesus. Not at his love now, reigning as Lord in a new spiritual body at the Father’s right hand. But as a man on earth, tempted in all ways like us—yet never having sin. He could have failed, but he didn’t. He gave his life for us. My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ work and righteousness.

God's Love

Loving God’s Way

Just before God graciously helped the children of Israel reach the promised land, he gave Moses amazing truth. This revelation included one of the key areas that we, even today, can grow in–God’s love. We find 16 references to God’s love. Biblically, the number 8 shows a new beginning and the number 2 establishes a thing. Here in Deuteronomy, love [8 x 2] establishes a new beginning for those believers. Let’s look at the 16 places where the English word “love” is used in the King James Version of Deuteronomy to see what we can learn about God’s love then, and how God’s love can help us live His promises today.

God's Love

True Love

In this month of February, when so much of the world is focused on romantic love, let’s learn from the Bible what God’s true love is all about.

God's Love

All-grateful for the Past, Appreciate the Present, Anticipate the Future

I was just sitting and enjoying the gas heater blowing on me, during this cold January morning in northern Idaho. It reminded me of my childhood winters in Missouri and our old oil heater that would keep me warm. In fact, I would leave my bed in those days to sit by a wall vent with my little robe over me as a tent. I also look forward to staying warm in future cold situations. Why? Because God takes care of me.

God's Love

God’s Love Through the Ages

This title is actually a figure of speech that the French call double entendre, or double meaning. We will look at God’s great love throughout the ages, all time. And we will see how He loves us through His Son Jesus Christ throughout the different ages, or seasons, that we live in this earthly life.

God's Love

Security, Sustenance, and Enjoyment: God or the Devil?

The entire Bible is a tapestry of truth that shows the basics of life and also the details of how things work. Man has basic needs: security, sustenance, and enjoyment. God provides all three. But the Devil has tricked people into going to him for the basics. This always leaves the seeker hurt, incomplete, and lifeless.

God's Love

A Little Gold Is Better Than a Lot of Stubble


Have you ever been in a boat against such strong wind that after hours of rowing with all your might—you are even farther away from your desired destination than when you started? That is how many people live, especially the really religious ones.

God's Love

A Life of Giving God’s Love

rocksJesus Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  He loved the unlovable.  We weren’t even “good.”  We were unlovable—at least from a human point of view.  But Jesus Christ was able to take on his mission, his calling, to die for us because he lived with his Father’s love.

God's Love

Thinking of Ourselves as God Sees Us

Elijah & Daniel S

Jesus Christ was maligned and criticized more than any man—but he always remembered who God made him to be. At times, when the Devil tries to accuse and condemn us, it’s good to remember who God made us to be and what He thinks of us.